Matryoshka doll “Fairy-tales”

Impressive bright Matryoshka doll set made in seven pieces. Each doll shows you the episodes from Russian famous fairy tales.

The tallest one has a depiction of a flower from the Russian fairy tale “Scarlet flower”, written by Aksakov, an adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. A merchant’s daughter requests a Scarlet flower when he returns from his travels, but the merchant picks a flower whose owner, a terrible beast, demands a price.

The second one features “Princess Frog” fairy tale. It happened that Ivan Tsarevich had to marry a frog, but it turned out into a beautiful Princess who was under the spell.

The artists used high-quality linden wood, and painted after with tempera paint and decorated it with crystals.

The artists belong to the professional studio “White Nights”, known for their special style of painting. This combination of basic principles makes the dolls of the “White Nights” studio so valuable. Our gallery has been working with this workshop for many years already and always takes only the best and the most unique items.

Material: linden tree, tempera, lacquer, crystals.

Height: 22cm

Weight: 560gr


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